미국 주립 공공도서관

2016년 IMLS(Institute of Museum and Library Services) 공공 도서관 조사에 따르면 미국에는 9,057개의 공공 도서관이 있습니다. 그러나 9,057이라는 숫자에는 여러 지점이 있는 라이브러리 시스템이 포함되어 있으므로 실제 물리적 위치의 수는 9,057보다 훨씬 많습니다. 현재, 싸이코리언은 16,534 개의 공공도서관 목록을 보유하고 있으며, 매년 "한국서적 보내기 캠페인"을 하고 있습니다.
Adelanto Branch Library
11497 Bartlett,Adelanto, CA
call (760) 246-5661
Branch Manager:Lisa Hazen
Branch Hours:
Monday 11-7
Tuesday 11-7
Wednesday 11-7
Thursday 10-6
Friday Closed
Saturday 9-5
Sunday Closed
Branch Location & Phone Number:
11497 Bartlett Ave.
PO Box 37
Adelanto, CA 92301-1901
The Adelanto Branch Library was originally established in 1921 and is located in the desert region.
All branch libraries provide free access to computer workstations which are connected to the Library’s information network. In addition to providing Internet access, these workstations enable the public to search San Bernardino County Library’s many electronic resources including the online catalog, subscription databases, word processing, language learning, literacy and a large historic document and photograph collection.
This branch offers Adult Literacy Service.
All branches offer free public programs.
Coalinga - Huron Unified School District Library
(559) 935-1676
305 N. Fourth St.
Coalinga, CA 93210
(559) 935-1676
305 N. Fourth St.
Coalinga, CA 93210
Blanchard-Santa Paula Public Library District
(805) 525-2394
119 N. Eighth St.
Santa Paula, CA 93060
(805) 525-2394
119 N. Eighth St.
Santa Paula, CA 93060